Latvia Post bank got license for providing banking services
The Financial and Capital Market Commission’s (FCMC) council issued a license to Latvia Post bank for providing banking services, as informed FCMC representative Ieva Upleja.
After reviewing an application from the holding company Mono Ltd. with a request to issue a license for providing banking services, FCMC established that the share capital, board members and the founder of Latvia Post bank complied with the regulations, provided by the Law on Credit Institutions.
FCMC have agreed that Boriss Ulmans will be Latvia Post bank’s chairman of the board, Einars Vaivods and Arnis Kalverss – company’s members of the board and Andris Krasovskis – the internal auditor of Latvia Post bank.
As reported, the holding company Mono won the Transport Ministry’s bid for the development of a postal savings bank in Latvia.
Mono will establish a consortium together with the company CVA that has previously participated in establishing postal savings banks in several countries in Europe and Middle East, including France.
Investments in the Latvian Postal Savings Bank are estimated at EUR 50 million.
The Financial and Capital Market Commission’s (FCMC) council issued a license to Latvia Post bank for providing banking services, as informed FCMC representative Ieva Upleja.
After reviewing an application from the holding company Mono Ltd. with a request to issue a license for providing banking services, FCMC established that the share capital, board members and the founder of Latvia Post bank complied with the regulations, provided by the Law on Credit Institutions.
FCMC have agreed that Boriss Ulmans will be Latvia Post bank’s chairman of the board, Einars Vaivods and Arnis Kalverss – company’s members of the board and Andris Krasovskis – the internal auditor of Latvia Post bank.
As reported, the holding company Mono won the Transport Ministry’s bid for the development of a postal savings bank in Latvia.
Mono will establish a consortium together with the company CVA that has previously participated in establishing postal savings banks in several countries in Europe and Middle East, including France.
Investments in the Latvian Postal Savings Bank are estimated at EUR 50 million.