Author honoured in new USPS stamp collection
The late African-American author Richard Wright is among those being honored by the USPS with new stamps this year.
The late African-American author Richard Wright is among those being honored by the USPS with new stamps this year.
Wright, who died in 1960 at age 52, will appear on the 61-cent stamp. Wright is best-known for his 1940 novel “Native Son” and his 1945 autobiography “Black Boy.”
There are three stamps targeting romantics – a 44-cent wedding rings stamp, a 61-cent wedding cake stamp and a 44-cent king and queen of hearts stamp.
Other 2009 price-change stamps, stamp cards and stamped envelopes are: a 28-cent polar bear stamp; a 28-cent koi fish stamped card; a 44-cent Purple Heart stamp honoring wounded US veterans; a 44-cent Seabiscuit stamped envelope; a 78-cent Mary Woodard Lasker stamp; a 44-cent US flag stamp; a 44-cent Celebrate! stamp; a 64-cent dolphin stamp; a 98-cent Grand Teton National Park stamp; a 79-cent Zion National Park stamp; and a 44-cent Edward Hopper stamp.
“The stamps we are issuing cover a variety of subjects and will have wide appeal across many audiences,” said David Failor, USPS manager for stamp services. “We are especially pleased to introduce a new Forever personalised stamped envelope. It will make quite an impression.”
Most of the stamps will be issued on or before the 11 May stamp price change.