The week that was: 27 November 2009
Job cuts, job cuts and, erm … job cuts Despite many business leaders claiming the global economy is slowly but surely pulling itself out of recession, Post&Parcel has been awash with stories of mass staff purges across Europe this week.
Media reports surfaced on Thursday claiming DHL Express are to cut almost 800 jobs in Belgium, as it plans to shift its European headquarters from the Benelux country to Germany and the Czech Republic. CNBC reported: “…those jobs would be “potentially affected” as the shipper, owned by German mail and logistics company Deutsche Post AG, moves head office functions to Bonn or Leipzig airport and its IT data centre to Prague.” They go onto state that DHL is now “negotiating the total amount of job losses with local unions and said the cuts would take place step by step over two years and workers would be offered positions at the new locations”.
Although 800 jobs could be described as a mass cull, it is a drop in the proverbial ocean compared to the latest plans by the bosses of the national postal operator of Russia. Pochta Rossii are said to be shedding 33,000 personnel during 2010 as part of a campaign aimed at streamlining company management. Pochta Rossii employ some 415,000 people, but has already cut staff in managerial apartments by almost half during 2009 – a reduction on 27.8% of total employees.
If that was not enough, thousands of employees’ jobs are reportedly under threat at TNT. The cuts look likely to take place after union members voted in favour of reorganisation plans that guarantee job security for the remaining workers. 64% of employees voted for job security rather than solidarity with the workforce as a whole. The company claims that it is necessary to streamline due to increased competition and e-substitution.
On a brighter note, FedEx scribes have been busy telling the world of their expansion adventures in Eastern Europe. Firstly came the news that the company has improved its service reach in Romania, specifically in the regions of Timisoara and Arad. Secondly, the US-based company signed an operational agreement with air cargo transportation company MNG Kargo as its global service participant in Turkey.
And finally…
Triangle Management Services has announced that the 2010 World Mail Express Europe Conference, which includes the prestigious 11th World Mail Awards, will be held in Copenhagen, Denmark, from June 15-17.
Post&Parcel is looking forward to the highly anticipated three-day event, and also meeting many of our dedicated readers for a casual beer during the glorious Scandinavian summer evenings.