Jersey Post prices could rise
The cost of posting letters and parcels in Jersey could be determined by the size of the package as well as the weight, if new plans are agreed, reports the BBC. The article continues:
Currently the tariffs are based solely on the weight of the posted item.
Jersey Post has applied to the island’s regulating watchdog for permission to introduce size-based pricing (SBP).
The Jersey Competition Regulatory Authority (JCRA) has launched a public consultation on the proposal, which could be introduced from 8 May.
Size-based pricing was introduced in the UK in August 2006 – the larger the item, the more it costs to post.
Bringing in the new tariffs in Jersey would bring the island into line with Royal Mail, which handles most of Jersey’s off-island post.
People in Jersey have until 5 March to comment on the proposals as part of the public consultation.
The JCRA said: “If implemented, the proposals would be a major restructuring of Jersey Post’s public postal tariffs.
“When SBP was introduced in the UK, it did not lead to higher overall prices but it resulted in a ‘rebalancing’ of tariffs. In general, letters became cheaper whilst packets became more expensive.
“However, Jersey Post is requesting an overall increase of 2% across all formats.
“This means that if SBP is to be introduced in Jersey, customers posting letters will see little or no impact, customers posting light large items will pay up to 27% more, whilst customers posting packets will pay approximately 10% more.”