Hermes wins Asda’s Home Delivery Provider Award
Hermes, the UK’s second largest consumer delivery company, has claimed the title of ASDA Home Delivery Provider of the Year. The company was presented the award after receiving praise from the retail giant for maintaining service levels in excess of 99%, despite a 30% growth in volumes and for reducing the number of customer queries. Hermes has delivered directly to ASDA’s growing base of online customers for the last two years. The award submission covered the 2012 peak period and highlighted Hermes’ exceptional performance, which was particularly challenging due to the adverse weather conditions. The company introduced a number of initiatives including client collaboration to deal with high volumes, the employment of 2,500 cover couriers, and the use of additional hand held terminals, to ensure service levels were maintained.
Carole Woodhead, CEO of Hermes, said: “The Hermes team has worked incredibly hard to provide ASDA customers with the very best service. We pride ourselves on our ability to provide exceptional levels of service during the whole year, even when weather conditions can make operations more difficult – something we have experienced over the past 2 peak periods. We are very proud winners of the Home Delivery Provider award and we look forward to continuing our excellent partnership with the ASDA team.”