Norway seeking new ways to modernize postal services
According to the Aftenposten, the Norwegian Postal Administration is currently negotiating with more than one of the four largest mail companies in Europe in order to form an alliance. Europe’s mail companies are gearing up for the complete liberalization of the postal market. The EU has decided that in the period 2003 to 2009 the sector will be gradually opened up to competition. Among the preparations currently underway are acquisitions and alliance-building. The Norwegian Postal Administration has confirmed that it is having discussions with one or more of the four largest players in Europe, but declined to say when it expects the talks to reach a conclusion. However, it is clear that any collaboration will not include parcel post. An alliance with one of the four major mail companies will give the Norwegian Postal Administration access to an international distribution system, which could lead to faster and cheaper services – though primarily for the Administration’s larger customers.