Australia Post to establish new industry working group
Australia Post will establish a new industry working group to support the implementation of letters regulatory reform and consider other strategic issues facing the postal sector. In a statement issued on Thursday (17 September), the postal operator said this decision “follows the Senate Inquiry into the Licensed Post Office network, which recommended the establishment of a formal working group of industry stakeholders.”
Australia Post added: “The group, to be chaired by former Victorian Senator Helen Kroger, will include representatives from the printing industry, mailhouses, Licensed Post Office network and employee unions. Other participants may be included as required.
“Australia Post is committed to a thoroughly consultative approach to letters reform and the first working group session will be held before Monday 12 October.”
Meanwhile, the Australian postal sector is now being overseen by a new Minister for Communications, Senator Mitch Fifield. The previous Minister for Communications, Malcolm Turnbull, won a leadership challenge last week and is now the Australian Prime Minister.
Commenting on Fifield’s appointment, the Post Office Agents Association Ltd (POAAL) said: “The Minister has an important role to play with Australia Post, in particular in appointing board members. The Australia Post board needs more postal and logistics experience, especially with the growing importance of the parcels business.”