Royal Mail to offer free delivery confirmation on barcoded Standard parcels

Royal Mail has confirmed to Post&Parcel today that it will start offering free online Delivery Confirmation on barcoded Standard parcels “from Summer 2016”. Royal Mail added: “As well as providing reassurance that Royal Mail 24 & 48 parcels have been delivered, free online Delivery Confirmation will: improve customer service in the event of an enquiry; meet new marketplace seller standards about Delivery Confirmation; and help to reduce fraud.”
In order to take advantage of the free Delivery Confirmation service, customers will need to apply a 2D barcode to their parcel labels.
“When you’re barcode ready you can offer Royal Mail Tracked too – with end to end tracking and a range of additional benefits”, added Royal Mail, which said that the roll-out of the new service is “part of the biggest technology transformation in UK parcels history”.
Royal Mail is currently still testing the service. It anticipates the roll-out will begin “from the Summer”, but declined to be more specific. As previously reported, Royal Mail has already rolled out thousands of PDAs to its staff and post offices across the UK are set up for 2D barcodes.