Delivering the Digital Democracy
In his keynote address to the World Mail & Express Asia conference, SingPost’s Sam Ang told delegates that “we are now living in the fourth industry revolution” – a time in which digital technology has democratised business and empowered the individual. Ang – who is Executive Vice President and CEO, Quantium Solutions SingPost – explained: “The disruption caused by digital technology affects everyone and everything.”
We are seeing the merging of the physical and digital worlds, and the emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT), full supply chain visibility, autonomous vehicles and self-learning machines. Singapore is in the vanguard of this revolution, embracing the concept of “smart cities”, in which people, places, data and objects are inter-connected. The upshot of this digitalisation is that we now have a global grid with common access.
“The digital economy has overturned the idea that one needs scale,” said Ang. “Anyone, anywhere can come to the table and play.”
To succeed in this new world, argued Ang, the key differentiator is not to be bigger, but to be better.