Autonomous, staffless, mobile grocery store launches in Shanghai

As Amazon continues to work on its plans for autonomous delivery vehicles and checkout-less supermarkets, a Swedish startup appears to have stolen a march on the retail giant. Working in association with Himalafy and Hefei University, Wheely has launched what it claims to be “the world’s first autonomous, staffless, mobile store”, which can “turn every parking space in the world into a potential new 24-hour store.
Wheely describes the “Moby Mart” is the “store that comes to you, instead of you coming to the store”.
The company said that it has been Beta testing the Moby Mart in Shanghai and is “currently working with tech to make the Moby self-driving”.
The Moby Mart will stock a range of grocery goods, and other consumables can also be ordered in advance online to be collected from the Moby Mart.
According to the company website: “The Moby Mart offers products for immediate consumption, such as milk, lunch, or medicine over the counter, around the clock. Just enter the store, take what you need, and leave. Computers, light bulbs and other stuff can be ordered in advance picked up at your nearest Moby Mart.”