Business Post changes to patriotic red, white and blue
Its all change at Business Post, which has dropped its yellow and black livery favour of a new design using red, white and blue.
The new colours will clearly avoid any confusion with Deutsche Post, which uses yellow and black and should not be confused with those of Federal Express, which is an important Business Post consumer.
Fedex’s colours are purple and orange, says Kevin Bennett, head of marketing at Business Post Group.
The group’s new visual identity will be used across the five divisions and effects considerable change at the firm since the arrival of ceo Paul Carvell two years ago, he says a customer survey showed 70% felt Business Post to be a strong, ceditable name, and it is also a good name in the city- an important factor, even though 64% of the shares remain of the Kane family. The new livery will be used on 450 line haul vehicles, rigids and double-decker trailers and 1,300 vans used for collection and delivery. It will also come at minimal cost- the design was done in-house by design manager Chris Spencer. Business Post’s Paul Carvell says he wants to cut staff turnover from an industry-typical 30% to just 10% by 2005, with a sharp increase in training spend from £650,000 to 1m. “People have to be IT literate and know how to use the various systems,’ he told training magazine.