RHA: “No green cards, less red tape”

The Road Haulage Association (RHA) has said that it is pleased to learn that there is “a good chance” that post-Brexit, UK drivers and hauliers will no longer need an insurance ‘green card’ if they’re travelling in an EU member state.
In a statement issued today (18 May), RHA said: “The Department for Transport confirmed this in a letter to the Association of British Insurers (ABI) on 17 May. Although still to be confirmed by the European Commission, if passed it will avoid a huge bureaucratic headache for hauliers, drivers and insurance companies by avoiding the use of green cards and checks at borders.”
RHA policy director Duncan Buchanan commented: “We welcome the clarity the Government is giving on this issue. This is one of hundreds of technical and bureaucratic issues we hope will be resolved in coming months. Clear and simple rules will benefit UK and EU drivers and operators, and we hope negotiations will result in practical solutions the work for all people and businesses.”