Public value of post offices
From Mr Paul Jackson.
Sir, Colin Baker of the National Federation of Sub-Postmasters (letter, December 13) refers to perceived unfairness in the way the Department for Work and Pensions has presented the options for the payment of pensions and other benefits.
The real threat to the future of the post office counters’ network is that paying pensions, and many other paper-based transactions, can be done much more quickly and at virtually no cost by electronic transfer and by the internet.
The old, those without a bank account and those who will never be computer-literate will continue to require payments over post office counters, but this small customer-base will continue to dwindle over time.
Sub-postmasters whose businesses are not breaking even should be allowed to charge a handling fee of Pounds 1 or so to each customer.
If their businesses became profitable that way, they would justify their existence. If not, there would be little case for continuing the current government subsidies.
Yours truly, PAUL JACKSON (Chief Executive), Triangle Management Services, 10 Penn Road, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire HP9 2LH.
December 15.
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