Polish Post Office to be modernised in five years

The Polish postal service is to be turned from state-owned enterprise into a sole shareholder company of the State Treasury, which would allow for further privatisation in the future.

“We have to change the Polish Post Office into a dynamic enterprise”, promises Maciej Jankowski, deputy minister of infrastructure, quoted on TVN24.

Jankowski has declared his intention talk to the Post Office management and trade unions to get full understanding of the company, currently the key Polish employer with nearly 100,000 employees. The state enterprise awaits privatisation and commercialization according to the minister.

Jankowski promises he will do his best to have the new commercialization act passed through the Parliament and implemented in mid 2008.

Under the new law, the Polish Post Office would be transformed from a state-owned enterprise into a sole shareholder company of the State Treasury, which would allow for further privatisation of the entity.

The government’s preliminary plan assumes that part of the shares in Post Office will be floated on the stock exchange, but the state would retain its majority package in order to maintain control of the enterprise.

Deputy infrastructure minister informs, however, that the floatation should not be expected before 2010”.

The Polish postal service is to be turned from state-owned enterprise into a sole shareholder company of the State Treasury, which would allow for further privatisation in the future.

“We have to change the Polish Post Office into a dynamic enterprise”, promises Maciej Jankowski, deputy minister of infrastructure, quoted on TVN24.

Jankowski has declared his intention talk to the Post Office management and trade unions to get full understanding of the company, currently the key Polish employer with nearly 100,000 employees. The state enterprise awaits privatisation and commercialization according to the minister.

Jankowski promises he will do his best to have the new commercialization act passed through the Parliament and implemented in mid 2008.

Under the new law, the Polish Post Office would be transformed from a state-owned enterprise into a sole shareholder company of the State Treasury, which would allow for further privatisation of the entity.

The government’s preliminary plan assumes that part of the shares in Post Office will be floated on the stock exchange, but the state would retain its majority package in order to maintain control of the enterprise.

Deputy infrastructure minister informs, however, that the floatation should not be expected before 2010”.

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