UPS announces new direct Lithuania-Germany flight

UPS has announced a new direct flight segment from Kaunas, Lithuania, to its European air hub in Cologne, Germany. This will mean that UPS will be able to offer much later collection times for export shipments and move more volume.
“UPS can now offer companies in Lithuania up to three additional hours of production time due to the later collection times,” said Daniel Carrera, President, UPS East Europe.
UPS will be able to offer collection times as late as 20:00 for UPS Express export shipments from Lithuania.
The new route is operated with an ATR-72 aircraft that arrives in Kaunas from Cologne at 08:00 Monday through Friday, before continuing on to Riga. Returning to Cologne, the flight departs Kaunas at 21:50. Operated by Sprint Air, the aircraft has a payload capacity of over 8 tonnes, more than doubling the previous capacity on the route.
UPS began offering its service in Lithuania in 1991 through its authorized service contractor, Skubios Siuntos.