New Poczta Polska director plans to extend company's services
Tadeusz Bartkowiak, who was appointed the new head of Poczta Polska (Polish Post) last week, plans to increase PP’s income, implement new services and win new sources of financing for the company’s development. At the moment about 65 percent of the company’s income comes from traditional postal services, such as letter and post card delivering. In the future the share of these services in the income may be reduced to 35-40 percent, mainly as a result of the appearance of new services. Bartkowiak wants his company to start providing e-services and to increase its presence on financial services markets. Starting 2009, Poland’s postal market will be liberlised, which means that PP has to change in order not to lose its market position. The new development strategy assumes that the company will be transformed into a holding, incorporating postal companies providing postal, financial and electronic services.