Bush expected to sign postal reform bill tomorrow
President Bush is expected to sign the postal reform bill tomorrow.
Marketers can now look forward to smaller postage rate increases from the U.S. Postal Service in the coming years.
Unlike past years when some mail categories saw 25%-30% rate hikes, the new law links postage rate increases to the Consumer Price Index.
Because of this, marketers might want to plan for smaller postage increases in the 4%-5% range every year, similar to FedEx and UPS.
It’s expected that the higher rates will take effect May 6, 2007.
Postal officials will be able to set new postage rates much faster once the law is in place. The law transfers responsibility of pension benefits earned by postal employees when they were in the military to the U.S. Treasury Department. This will free up USD27 billion that the Postal Service would have had to fund. After 10 years, the Postal Regulatory Commission will be allowed to modify the price cap or adopt an alternative rate system if deemed necessary.
The PRC gains the power to subpoena Postal Service records to ensure that the agency is in compliance with the law and that the interests of the mailing public are being protected.