Norwegian Postal Market 2002
1. Introduction 2
2. The number of mailings 4
2.1 Unrecorded mailings 4
2.2 Recorded mailings 5
3. Turnover 5
3.1 Unrecorded mailings 5
3.2 Recorded mailings 6
4. Market shares 7
4.1 Unrecorded mailings 7
4.1.1 The players’ market shares of turnover 7
4.2 Recorded mailings 8
4.2.1 The players’ market shares of turnover 8
5. Degree of Competition 8
5.1 Degree of competition on the number of mailings 8
5.2 Degree of competition on turnover 9
6. Turnover per unit 10
P:LibraryPostalNorwegian postal market02.doc