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Azkar opens new office in Shanghai
The opening of Azkar Overseas new facilities, the subsidiary of Transportes Azkar, S.A., has been today in China specifically in Shanghai city. The act has been present, among others, Executive Vice President and CEO of Azkar, Jose Antonio Orozco, as well as the Mayor of Lugo, Jose Lopez Orozco, and Vice Chairman of the County Council, Lara Mendez, both were in a trade mission in China.
Azkar moves to another bigger facilities that it will be managed by a group of expert professionals fluent in Chinese, Spanish, Russian and English.
Azkar has the capacity to coordinate directly the providers with the suppliers of its customers in Asia, with China as the main point of origin, but without ruling out other countries of the Asia Southeast Region. The Company also offers high-performance logistics services for storage, order preparation (including kitting, assembly, mounting, etc), mercahandise control and distribution, as part of the integral service.
In this manner, AZKAR offers its customers a powerful international network for the management of imports and exports of goods, from any origin or destination in the world outside Europe, through Azkar Overseas, as in Europe traffic through Azkar Bisa International, or at the Iberian Peninsula and islands. The company has 73 facilities in Spain and Portugal, more than 500,000 m2 built on more than 1 million m2 of land, 5,000 employees and a fleet of 2,400 trucks.