The A to Zs of How to Successfully Partner with Your Postal Operator
Alice Kijak Independent Consultant Mail & Express Review May 2009 Since 2003, when I first spoke at the Triangle Conference in Asia, I have been a big proponent of sharing the postal best practices I identified while working for Reader’s Digest Association Inc for 26 years. These best practices are drawn from experience with over fifty postal operators and in this article I will concentrate on those practices which enable successful partnerships with postal operators.
Align your goals. There should be 100% agreement on what is expected and in what timeframe. As goals change, realignment will be necessary.
Build a relationship. Good partnerships do not just happen, they require effort, and an understanding of common goals as well as of differences. The more information you share, the more you understand each other.
Communicate at all levels. A relationship only at the most senior level cannot accomplish all its goals. All levels are important to the success of the partnership and must understand the nature of the shared goals and what to do if there is misalignment.
Develop new products in collaboration. Offer your advice early in the development process to ensure the product will meet the expectations of both partners.
Educate your partner about your company and its budget process. Emphasize the need for a year’s advance warning about possible rate increases.
Facilitate frequent meetings at various levels to keep the relationship focused on mutual goals and to discuss new business trends and plans. Send agendas in advance so everyone is prepared and real progress is achieved.
Guide preliminary discussions and use examples of collaboration from elsewhere in the mail industry. Do not overlook obvious or simple ideas.
Hone your listening skills. Clarify when there is uncertainty. Restate and confirm agreement. You need to truly understand commitments and expectations.
Identify obstacles early in the relationship. There should be no surprises. Most problems can be solved once they are understood.
Justify your reasoning with your partner in writing. Both sides need to buy into the premise and understand its importance.
Know your audience. Adjust your commentary as appropriate.
Learn from each other. Both businesses have a lot of experience and a lot to share.
Market knowledge needs to be shared. Each partner has access to different information. Share the market trends so you can both prepare contingency plans.
Negotiate in good faith. Document any concessions for future reference. There must be give and take for both partners to succeed.
Operate with transparency regarding the finances. Partners trust each other.
Promote the importance of direct mail. Our business successes are uniquely intertwined. Together we can keep the mailing industry strong and relevant.
Quantify your business case. The more detail the better. This will serve as the base line from which success or failure will be judged.
Respect each other. Do not take advantage.
Solve issues as they arise. Do not let problems fester or the partnership will fail.
Track progress and verify results as you progress. There must be buy in from both sides.
Update your files on a routine basis. Address hygiene is very important for both partners in order that cost savings are not jeopardized.
Verbalize your concerns in person, face to face. It is too easy to disregard an e-mail.
Workshare is an opportunity for both partners to succeed. With worksharing, each partner does a portion of the work for the benefit of both, and there is a mutual interdependence.
X marks the spot. Stay focused on your goals.
Yield a point when necessary. A step back may reposition you for better collaboration.
Zero in on what is important as quickly as possible. It is in the best interests of the partnership to identify your mutual goals.
These best practices not only apply to postal operators but to all business relationships. The advice sounds very simple but, in reality, it requires our mutual attention and dedication if success is to be achieved.