Bike messengers allow Dutch retailers to tap into same day delivery

Local retailers in Dutch cities Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague can locally deliver online orders within hours thanks to a new partnership between Dutch developer of Delivery Management Software Paazl and bike messenger company De Versnelling. Same-day delivery provides massive opportunity to offline retailers who also sell online. Indeed many retailers are currently moving to a business-model in which stores double as downtown distribution centers, from which orders are shipped.
The partnership between Paazl and bike messenger company De Versnelling offers Dutch retailers a chance to put these plans into practice. Algorithms specially developed for same-day delivery factor in dimensions like weight and size, plus time and place or order. When suitable the software gives customers the option ‘delivered by a bike messenger today’, after which all further communication between customer, retailer and bike messenger is taken care of.
The service is currently in pilot phase with Amsterdam fashion brand Fab. The company delivers shoes throughout the Dutch capital within three hours, charging €4,95. As Fab Footwear executive Ellen Rijntjes explains: “We are there to please our customers. Women often need shoes on very short notice. For work or a wedding party. Here the ‘the sooner the better factor’ is high.”
Paazl CEO Bernard Schreiner notes how more brands are now approaching him about same-day delivery. “It really gives customers no more reason to hit the high streets. And best of all, it is environmentally friendly. These things make it a real differentiator in the highly competitive world of e-commerce.”
Following the pilot, more cities and countries will be considered.
For more information See: www.paazl.com.