Doddle using DVT for automated software testing

Doddle has contracted South Africa-based DVT to automate the testing of its web and smartphone software applications. DVT will be using its Global Testing Centre (GTC) in Cape Town.
Gary O’Connor, Doddle Chief Technology Officer, said: “We were introduced to DVT as a solutions provider who could help us to find a way to automate a lot of our software testing.”
Jaco van der Merwe, CEO of DVT, added: “We were challenged to find a way to overcome the physical scanning speed of Doddle’s Android-based parcel scanning device, which was too fast to allow testing scripts to run properly.”
DVT has developed test cases for some of Doddle’s new software builds, with automated scripts that continually test the integrity of new builds almost as soon as they’re released by Doddle’s developers. Test results are automatically sent back to Doddle for review, and when necessary the teams videoconference to discuss upcoming changes, updates or changes to the test automation process.