Hermes launches Sunday delivery
Hermes, the UK delivery company, is launching a Sunday delivery service to provide added convenience and choice for customers. It is the first consumer delivery company to offer its retail customers a 7- day service. The Sunday service will initially be available as a next day service, with customers able to order all day Saturday for a Sunday delivery and will be fully tracked.
Carole Woodhead, CEO at Hermes UK, said: “The retail sector has been trading 7 days a week for a long time now and by introducing this service we are giving online shoppers the same service. We recently commissioned some independent research that found that two thirds of online shoppers found Sunday deliveries appealing. Quite simply it fits around their increasingly busy lifestyles and is often a day they can guarantee being at home. As a result we believe our newSunday service will increase the first time delivery success rate and overall customer satisfaction.”
This announcement is just one of the new service initiatives that Hermes has planned to help give its retail clients a competitive edge by providing high levels of service and added convenience for consumers. This includes the opening of a brand new £6m call centre in Leeds and the growth of its myHermes ParcelShop network which now totals 3,500 and will increase to 5,000 in 2014.
Wonder if their poor staff will be forced to work 7 days a week.
This stinks – who genuinely “needs” to post something on the 1 day a week we can have a break?!! I don’t want a postie at the door on a Sunday – it’s the ONE day I can relax & lie-in – Or delivery vans rumbling up & down.
OK some have to work – Emergency services, Vicars, Pub staff – but otherwise stuff it & the ’24-7′ ballax, stop putting money over quality of life.