Tag: Oman

FedEx Express appoints new Senior Manager of Operations

FedEx Express has announced today the appointment of Mohamed Al Sayegh as Senior Manager Operations for FedEx Direct served countries, as well as Iraq, Qatar and Oman. Commenting on the appointment, Hamdi Osman, FedEx Vice President for the Middle East, Indian Sub Continent, & Africa, stated, ‘With over 17 years of engineering and operations experience, Mohamed will bring comprehensive international knowledge and strategic expertise to his new regional management role.”

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GCC 2006 express market set to rise 15 per cent, says TNT Gulf Chief

The GCC’s express market is set to grow by around 15% in 2006, according to the Managing Director of TNT Gulf. According to Mark Pell, Saudi Arabia’s imminent entry into the WTO and the progressive unification of the GCC, will contribute to growth. However, he warns that initiatives will only pay real dividends if commitment is at all levels of government, especially customs. ‘The ambiguity, understanding and application of customs legislation varies from country to country and officials around the region need to consult the industry more regularly to ensure any new implementations can be practically achieved by us and ultimately encourage legitimate trade growth,’ he said. ‘Failure to recognise and deal with these issues in a coherent and timely way will result in businesses creating alternatives and circumventing the system. When this happens, it’s generally the freight industry that has to pick up the pieces.’ Nevertheless Pell says there is reason for optimism.

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DHL introduces premium fixed time express service between Gulf and Asia Pacific

DHL today announced it had extended its premium fixed time delivery service to cover small parcels and documents traffic between the six Gulf States and the Asia Pacific region. The UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and Saudi Arabia are all included within the scope of DHL’s Time Definite Delivery (TDD) service.
David Wild, General Manager, DHL UAE said: “This is a huge breakthrough for DHL and for Gulf State businesses trading with Asia Pacific. It reflects DHL’s commitment, as the market leader, to set new standards while raising the bar in terms of the services it offers its regional customers.

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New Omani Postal Law in Offing

As part of the government’s plan to privatise Oman’s postal services, the government is proposing a comprehensive postal law. “The government is currently evaluating a strategic report prepared by an adviser. The plan is to restructure and commercialise the country’s postal sector,” Ahmed bin Abdulnabi Macki, minister of national economy and deputy chairman of the Financial Affairs and Energy Resources Council said. “In fact, the plan is to introduce commercialisation ahead of privatisation. Privatisation is expected to improve efficiency and help the sector remain competitive. “The plan also involves development of a comprehensive postal law and regulations. Privatisation of the sector will follow the restructuring, after having operated for a period on a commercial basis.” Macki added.

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GCC postal working group discusses impact of UPU's new postal regulations and GATT

A Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) postal working group, consisting of representatives from the postal authorities of Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), are meeting in Dubai to discuss issues relating to UPU postal regulations and the impact of GATT on postal services in the region. Chaired by Saudi Arabia and hosted by Emirates Post, the working group began a five-day meeting to review a host of issues pertaining to the streamlining of postal activities in the region, including amendments to the agreement between the UPU and the respective countries.

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