Bank to heighten international profile

A 900-strong postal banking network has been launched across turkey. The Turkish postal telephone and telegraph’s (PTT) new project called PTTBANK was unveiled in a ceremony attended by transportation minister, Binali Yildirim and UPU director general, Thomas Leavey.
PTTBank will serve 900 residential zones that currently have no banks and will provide a variety of financial transaction services, except the collection of money from people. It will also handle correspondence for 12 other bank chains.
In a speech at the opening ceremony, Yildirim said the institution was focused on improving national world conditions.
He said the separation of Telekom and PTT in the 1990’s had turned PTT into a ‘lost institution, but today, PTT has a new vision,’ he declared.
Leavey said the UPU was pleased to see that paid postal services were playing a role in economic improvements in Turkey as a whole. He added that PTT’s intergration on an international level would be made easier with PTTBank.

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