PostNord Sweden: Winter has arrived in Ukraine, and the need for essential supplies is greater than ever

PostNord Sweden: Winter has arrived in Ukraine, and the need for essential supplies is greater than ever

For the last two years, PostNord has been offering its services free of charge to those who want to send humanitarian supplies to Ukraine. So far, PostNord Sweden has completed a total of 126 transports, involving approximately 93,400 packages on 3,946 pallets to Ukraine.

Shortly after Russia carried out its large-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, the Ukrainian postal service Ukrposhta appealed for help. PostNord Sweden quickly realized that with its transport and logistics services, the company could make a difference. PostNord’s operates throughout Sweden, and it can offer everyone in Sweden the opportunity to send supplies at no cost directly to the Ukrainian population. Up until 2023, PostNord Sweden has conducted 126 transports, involving approximately 93,400 packages on 3,946 pallets.

“We see a generosity and concern for Ukraine in Sweden that is touching. PostNord makes it possible to continue delivering packages with humanitarian aid, free of charge and safely, to Ukraine. Winter has arrived in Ukraine, and the need for essential supplies is greater than ever”, says Mathias Krümmel, CEO of PostNord Sweden.

The ongoing war has disrupted distribution and logistics flows in many parts of Ukraine. Despite this, Ukrposhta has no plans to cease its important societal mission. They want, as much as possible, to continue their operations despite the ongoing war and contribute in ways that can ease the daily lives of the population in Ukraine.

“Ukrposhta and all Ukrainians are very grateful to PostNord and the people of Sweden, Denmark and Norway for such great support. More than 330 tons of humanitarian aid (food, hygiene, medicine, baby products) were delivered by PostNord’s own trucks to the “Help Ukraine” Centre in Poland, which distributed it among major humanitarian funds in Ukraine. Residents of Sweden, Denmark and Norway sent this aid not to their friends or relatives, but to those Ukrainians that needed it the most, and the nationwide platform SpivDiia distributed the aid among the locations in Ukraine that were most affected by the war. PostNord once again proved that it is a true friend and partner of Ukrposhta and Ukraine,” said Igor Smelyansky, CEO of Ukrposhta.

To send a package with supplies, one can drop it off at one of PostNord’s business centres. The package will then be transported to a hub in Poland. From there, the Ukrainian postal service delivers the aid to citizens who remain in Ukraine and are in great need of assistance. It is not possible to send such a help package to a specific recipient; instead, on-site aid organizations ensure that your package spreads warmth where it is needed most. To facilitate the distribution on-site, it is advisable to list the contents of the package in English on the outside.

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