BanCorreos lanches new products
BanCorreos – the new mark of banking services of CORREOS and Deutsche Bank- offers, from the 1st of March, other two new products of saving and investment: `Europe Deposit’ and `Monthly Deposit’.
The “Europe Deposit” is an 18 months deposit – from the 1st of June of 2007 to the 1st of December of 2008 – that guarantees a 100% of the initial capital and a minimum interest of 1%. Its total yield could be about a 16%, because the quantity of the paid interest will be calculated discounting of this 16% the difference between the best and the worse index of a basket of European indicators formed by the Eurostoxx 50, that includes the 50 greater companies of the zone euro; Dax, main German stock-exchange index; FTSE 100, main index of United Kingdom; Millrace 40, of France; and the MIB-30, of Italy.
On the other hand, the `Monthly Deposit’ is a traditional deposit (fixed term deposit) that guarantees the invested capital and offers a referenced yield in the Euribor, less 0.70%. The type of interest rate will be updated daily, in agreement with the evolution in market of the Euribor. It represents a conservative and simple option of short term investments, because in a month the client recovers the invested amount plus the interests.
The minimum amount to subscribe for the deposits is 1.000 €, without maximum limit, and they can be contracted from the 1st of March, in any of more than 2.000 multi-service post offices of CORREOS. The `Europe Deposit’ can be subscribed until the 31st of May of 2007 as date limit; and the `Monthly Deposit’, sine die.