Correos de Chile to invest in new post depot
The general director of the Courier, Expreso y Paqueteria (CEP) division at Correos de Chile, Juan Carlos Veloso states that the projects his firm has in its portfolio include the building of a new plant-depot for around USD10mil this year. The new installations will allow the postal group to double its current handling capacity to 11 million mailings per annum as of 2009 (the site has yet to be decided upon let alone bought). Pudahuel, Quilicura and Huechuraba are possible locations whilst the existing depot in Estacion Central will be evacuated. At present, the CEP division represents 20% of total Correos sales by chalking up year-2006 sales of Pesos11.8bil.
Of all CEP mailings, 36% are retail sector-related.