Danmark Post and Sweden Post to Cooperate
Danmark Post and Sweden Post to Cooperate
January 2, 2001 — Horst Manner-Romberg from CEP-News, a German postal newsletter, reports that “Danmark Post and the Swedish Posten AB have agreed upon an intensified co-operation in the regions on either side of the Oeresund bridge. In an announcement published in Copenhagen on Thursday Danmark Post said that the two companies were going to target business clients in the area with the offer of a joint transnational one-stop service. DaimlerChrysler AG was one of the first customers to sign a corresponding service contract. Mr Bo Svensson, spokesman for Posten AB, confirmed that the new agreement intends to support the successful positioning of the two mail companies in relation to competitors – such as the Swedish mail service CityMail – in this economically important region with its 165,000 businesses and 3 million inhabitants.”