Crozier breaks cover on Royal Mail strike

The news that we may be in for weeks or even months more disruption to the postal service is not only a serious matter for businesses all over the country, it is also meat and drink to the Royal Mail’s increasingly aggressive rivals. A simple fact of modern commercial life – one which seems to have totally escaped the notice of the striking posties – is that every hour of disruption further weakens the Royal Mail’s already shaky prospects for long term recovery.

But it was Crozier’s stark revelation that the Royal Mail’s rivals are 40 pct more efficient and pay their staff 25 pct less that was the real take home message from the interview. Unless its entire workforce wakes up to the reality of what those numbers actually mean, and to the fact that Royal Mail is no longer a state monopoly but has to earn its living these days like the rest of us, then none of them – from the sorting office to the boardroom – deserves to keep their jobs.

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