TNT's annual report 2007 (by segment)
According to TNT’s annual report 2007:
revenues in € mln
Mail Netherlands 2,551
European Mail Networks 1,002
Cross-border Mail 527
Data and Document Management 154 +
Total Mail Operating Revenues 4,234
– Mail accounted for 38.4% (€4,234 mln) of TNT’s group operating revenues (€11,017 mln).
– Mail accounted for 52.5% (€626 mln) of TNT’s group operating income (€1,192 mln).
– Mail Netherlands accounted for 23.2% (€2,551 mln) of TNT’s group operating revenues (€11,017 mln).
– Mail Netherlands operating income is non-disclosed information.
According to USO-report 2006 (report 2007 not yet publicly available) in € mln:
– USO total revenues 1,703
– Reserved area revenue 999
– USO operating income 345
– Reserved area operating income 167
Generally speaking it is estimated that USO (reserved) revenues 2007 change `marginal compared to 2006 and USO-operating income might end significant under 2006 level.
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