Postal markets in Germany – Regulatory framework and market outcome
Letter services market 2000 (forecast)
DPAG – exclusive license
15bn DM
5bn DM
Included in the competition is:
Revenue of new licences
385m DM
Higher quality service
120m DM
Revenues and sales in the licensed sector 9including DPAG)
1998 1999 2000forecast
Revenues DM Sales Volume Revenues DM Sales Revenues DM Sales
19.2bn 15.05bn 19.6bn 15.45bn 20.2bn 15.9bn
Breakdown of revenues by activity
Licensed activity 1998 1999 2000 forecast
Letters>200g or >5,50 DM 30,5m 60,9m 100m
Letters with identical content >50g 19,1m 17,2m 14m
Document exhange service 0,3m 1,6m 3m
Higher quality services 6,7m 45,6m 120m
Mailing at DPAG acceptance points 2,5m 3,9m 9m
Collection from DPAG PO box facilities 2,5m 3,7m 5m
Old-type licenses (bulk mailings) 90,3m 119,7m 134m
Total 151,9m 252,6m 385m
Licensed Sector (inclusive exclusive license)
Licensed Sector 1998 1999 2000 forecast
Total revenues (DM) 19.200m 19.600m 20.200m
Revenues for holders excluding DPAG (DM) 151,9m 252,6m 385m
Market share for holders excluding DPAG 0,8% 1,3% 2,0%
DPAGs market share 99,2% 98,7% 98%
Revenues from category D licences (DM) 6,7m 45,6m 120m
Market share for category D licences 0,03% 0,24% 0,63%