Australia Post workers to strike again in Tasmania
Tasmania’s postal workers are taking further strike action, two days before Christmas, reports ABC. The article continues:
The Communications Union has confirmed almost all of Tasmania’s 570 Australia post work force will stop work on Wednesday (23 December) for 24 hours.
The move follows a break down in communication with Australia Post at the weekend over long-running enterprise bargaining dispute.
Communication Workers Union secretary Peter Miller says many Tasmanians will not get their Christmas mail.
“The backlog of mail that is mainly on the mainland in Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland,” he said.
“On top of the national strikes and the strike here in Tasmania there will be quite of mail I doubt that will be delivered to customers before Christmas.”
Australia Post’s Alex Twomey says that is not the case. “We’ve managed to clear the backlog, the impact in Tasmania was very minimal,” he said.