UPU on climate change
The Universal Postal Union (UPU) championed the Seal the Deal campaign during December’s climate change conference in Copenhagen, as well as promoting the idea of green strategies across the sector for some time. Its chairman, Edouard Dayan, has actively promoted the idea of a greener industry. He said: “The UPU will work with all its partners, including the United Nations Environment Programme, to encourage the polluters of today and tomorrow to reduce their environmental impact in the long term. Sound management of environmental issues can drive growth. In taking up the challenge of green growth, businesses can rethink their logistics chain processes, improve their efficiency, plan long-term energy saving measures, develop new products and services less harmful to the environment and project a responsible business image.”
Post&Parcel delves into the Union’s archives to share the organisation’s information.
The UPU have released literature on the postal sector’s impact upon climate change, which can be seen here.
In another article, the Union addresses what it is doing to help the postal sector reduce its greenhouse gas emissions; what is the GGOM; whether the problems the same in industrialized and developing countries; what is the UPU guide to measuring the postal sector’s carbon footprint; and what is the UPU’s questionnaire on consumption designed to measure? Click here.
Furthermore, the UPU has published a 43-page booklet, global overview and mitigation project, acting as a guide for the Union’s member countries, which was published in October. Click here to read the full pamphlet.
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