Report highlights flaws in Post Office closure process
A new report from Consumer Focus has highlighted flaws in the consultation process around the Post Office closure programme in the UK. Consumer Focus argues in ‘How was it for you? Consumer engagement in the Post Office closure programme’ that lessons must be learnt by providers of essential local services for the future.
A statement from the consumer champion said: “An unprecedented number of people – around 2.7m – tried to air their views about the closure programme through writing to their local MP, taking part in newspaper campaigns or other means. However, Post Office Ltd failed to effectively engage consumers in shaping change to the network, with only around one in 13 directly contributing to the formal decision-making process to close local Post Offices. As a result Post Office Ltd missed opportunities to obtain valuable local knowledge of how cutbacks would affect communities, and many consumers were left feeling that the consultation process was a sham.
“The research reveals that consumers thought Post Office Limited communicated information about the closure programme consultation poorly, rating its communications 4.2 out of 10 on average. Less than 20% of consumers were aware that the closure proposals were subject to a consultation to which they could respond. The poor communications, combined with the short six-week consultation period which gave little time to respond, made it difficult for consumers to engage effectively. The vast majority of consumers instead took part in local activities such as petitions, which proved far less effective in influencing the final decision on closures than a formal response.
Andy Burrows, public services expert for Consumer Focus, said: “During these challenging financial times, cutbacks in key local services seem inevitable. Our research on the Post Office closure programme warns that, unless consumers are actively engaged around decisions on essential services, consultations will be more likely to fail.
“Effectively engaging with, and listening to, consumers, is essential to ensure that changes take place that deliver services that meet the needs of local communities.”