Norway: Local mobilisation against the postal directive
Norway Postkom will mobilise against the EU postal directive on a local level since rural areas will be most impacted by the postal directive if it is to be implemented. The postal employees’ union Postkom will mobilise against the EU postal directive. “If the directive is implemented, postal services will be worse and more expensive, particularly in rural areas. We are therefore mobilising the grassroots in Norway against the directive, said Odd Christian Øverland, union leader in Postkom.
Postkom’s local organisational work now targeted to the local communities will express a resounding “no” to the EU postal Directive. A directive that will affect communities outside the Oslo area in the form of poorer and more expensive postal services.
“We want to raise the awareness of those who will really be affected by the postal directive – people, businesses and municipalities. We will therefore contact the local councils, local organisations and parties to get them to give a clear message to the Government and Parliament that the EU postal Directive won’t work in Norway, “said Overland.
An introduction of the EU Directive mail will lead to:
– More expensive postage for people and businesses, particularly in rural areas
– Fewer delivery days
– Longer delivery delays
– High risk of social dumping
Postkom believes the politicians now have to understand the negative consequences of the postal directive. Postkom has obtained a legal consideration relating to the use of reservation clause against the directive. The conclusion is that the EEA will not be weakened by the fact that Norway uses the reservation clause and that therefore the agreement can be continued as today with the exception of the EU policy in the postal sector.
The postal market has changed dramatically in recent years. It has for years been a decreasing mail market due to the transition to electronic communications. The financial crisis has exacerbated the decline in Europe. The Norway Post has also been noticed to be entering the Swedish and Danish market via its subsidiary City Mail. Norway Post has lost huge sums on this investment, while it has contributed to the loss of income for Posts in Sweden and Denmark.