Deutsche Post to launch internet stamps
Deutsche Post AG, the German post office operator, is to launch an
electronic stamp service in about four weeks’ time. The idea behind
the move was to help small and medium-sized companies which did not
want to spend money on franking machines but needed franking
services, but 25,000 applications, some from large companies, have
so far been made to Deutsche Post for internet stamps. Christian
Brockert of Deutsche Post said there was also a surprisingly high
number of individuals who had applied for the service. All applicants will receive a CD-ROM and handbook from Deutsche Post
for DM140, enabling them to print their own stamps. The service,
called Stampit, will cost DM163.31 at a later date. The price also
includes the use of an online safe box for six months, and after the
initial period, the service costs 2.30 euros per month. Abstracted from Die Welt
Abstracted from Die Welt in German FT McCarthy – Copyright 2001
Financial Times Information.
Source: World Reporter (Trade Mark).DIE WELT, 30th July 2001