Deutsche Post: Internet Postage Pilot a Success.
FULLTEXT: Declaring that pilots of its Internet postage offering have been successful,
Deutsche Post plans to launch the service nationwide at the end of August. The three-month-long pilots were conducted with 48 customers in Bonn and
Offenbach. The trials were designed to test the PC franking software Stampit,
the virtual stamp sales counter Postage Point and the reading systems at the
mail sorting centers. The post says additional hardware is not required to use its e- postage
service. The system requires a Pentium PC with ink jet or laser printer and
Internet access. Besides the cost of the postage, there’s a one-time fee of $74 for the use of
the Stampit software and a monthly service fee of $2. There’s no monthly fee
for the first six months. The post is offering an $11 rebate on the one-time
charge for the Stampit software until August 15. Deutsche Post claims that 25,000 customers have already registered for the