La Poste enters health and providence markets
La Poste enters health and providence markets (La Poste s’attaque au marche de la prevoyance et de la sante)
Les Echos – France, Sep 21, 2001
La Poste, the French post office, announced yesterday that it will launch a large-scale offensive in health insurance and providence. In partnership with French insurer CNP Assurances, by means of Assurposte in which both have equal shares, La Poste will launch a range of six products including health and life insurance.
Assurposte generated turnover of 45m euros last year and dealt with nearly 320,000 providence and health contracts. With its 17,000 outlets and 7,300 financial advisors, the post office could rapidly become a major competitor for insurers on both markets.
Abstracted from Les Echos
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