Australian Government says Labor has postal service plan
AAP NEWS 28th September 2001
CANBERRA, Sept 27 AAP – The federal government today accused Labor of having a cunning plan to fully privatise postal services if elected to government.
Backbencher Jan McLucas (ALP, Qld) had written a letter to the community on behalf of the Labor caucus seeking feedback on the likely impacts of a fully competitive postal service, the government said.
“We hear a lot about how little the Labor Party seems to be interested in policy and that’s why I was particularly attracted to something that came across my desk the other day,” Communications Minister Richard Alston said.
“It’s a letter from Jan McLucas writing to the community on behalf of the Australian Labor Party’s government service delivery caucus committee.
“And she’s seeking community input into the likely impacts of a fully competitive postal service.
“Well there you go. I had no idea they were going down this path.” The coalition had maintained 700 licensed post offices by providing vital subsidies and also kept electronic banking and BPay services through Regional Transaction Centres, Senator Alston said.
“Here it is,” Senator Alston said, referring to the letter. “The cat’s out of the bag. “And it’s very interesting. “Why on earth would you be seeking feedback on a fully competitive postal service unless you were looking at introducing the policy?”
Labor had closed down 277 postal outlets when in government, he said.
“So it’s quite obvious that what the Labor’s Party’s on about here is a very cunning little plan for after the election,” Senator Alston said. Copyright 2001 AAP Information Services Pty Ltd. Source : World Reporter (Trademark)