Saying yes with flowers (Rutges Cargo)

A high-speed rail freight service between Amsterdam to Milan may have finally broken into
the fresh flowers market, after the first shipment last week.
The 14-hour Overnight Express service was set up as a combined passenger/freight pilot project last year for flower shippers and traders, but had struggled to win the confidence of the industry.
Dutch flower shippers sent a consignment last Monday night via Rutges Cargo. Commercial director Jason Breakwell said there was the potential for two or three reefers of fresh flowers a day.
“Everything seems to be moving now. The shippers have been very nervous about reliability, as they must get their flowers to the markets on time. But they are giving it a go,” he said.
Rutges has been sending two containers of air cargo products daily since the service switched to operating containers in March, and said it had “run very smoothly”.
Netherlands-based rail freight operator Railion Benelux said it is continuing to work on plans to roll out the Overnight Express concept to other European destinations.

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