La Poste opens stock market website, while Livret A savings booklet progresses
La Poste, the French post office, is preparing to complete its range of financial services. On Tuesday it will launch a stock market web site aimed at the general public. Patrick Werner, general manager with responsibility for financial activities and the general public network, says La Poste has a long tradition of customer relations other than on a face-to-face basis, and since customers want to access the group’s services in various ways, the group has to respond.
La Poste, which has 21 million of the 46 million Livret A savings booklets in circulation in France, has registered net deposits of 670m euros over the first nine months of the year, and 647m euros of withdrawals. 510,000 booklets were opened over the period.
Abstracted from Les Echos Abstracted from Les Echos in French FT McCarthy – Copyright 2001 Financial Times Information. Source: World Reporter (Trade Mark).