The Electronic Letter Study
Proposal for a major research project on web-based hybrid mail.
The one-to-many mailings market has long been digitized and is served by
many players using mainframe-based hybrid mail systems. Now, in the
form of web-based hybrid mail, the Internet is bringing the same facilities
and advantages to smaller mailers. This potentially massive market is at
the take-off point, but it badly needs clarification and careful assessment.
This study [ELS] will provide answers to all the key questions faced by
industry players – current or future.
Who really needs Hard-copy Mail?
Who sends repeat One-to-Few/One-to-One Mailings?
Who are the Current Players in Web HM and when will it really take off?
What are the Key Characteristics of Users of Web-based Hybrid Mail?
Who will be the Big Winners from Supplying and Servicing web HM traffic?
What Market Growth? When? Where? Why? For Whom?
P:LIBRARYPostalMacKintel Electronic Letter Study proposal.pdf
Printed copy in research library L13920