LETTER: Mail risk not worth a quick win on the price

Following the recent scandal over the discovery of dumped mail, it will be a brave direct mail company that recommends new delivery methods in preference to post offices. This is a pity as there are safe routes to shopping around for cost efficient alternatives to your national carrier.

What is clear, however, is that lower prices may come at a cost. Before going for a rock bottom price, ask yourself how a service can be given at a level that undercuts the general market. Is it worth risking the cost of your mailing and its response levels for a slightly trimmed budget?

We have always maintained that it is worth paying that little extra for the peace of mind that comes with dealing with a national Post Office. We can still negotiate worthwhile savings through direct entry and Mailsort discounts. Whether in the UK or overseas you should only entrust your mail to a carrier that has validated disciplines and procedures. Their mailing service should include revenue protection processes, and verified audit trails to track mail to its destinations. You pay for a professional service provider with quality standards and the resources to satisfy any financial redress.

With the pending deregulation of UK mailing services, let this be a lesson to anyone tempted to take a risk with their mailings for the sake of a quick win on price.

Maria Charilaou, SR International, London SE8

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