My FedEx Delivery Service comes to Australia
The “My FedEx Delivery” service will become available in Australia this week, local sources have reported. Australia will be the first country in the Asia Pacific region to have the service, according to an article published today (14 December) in the Sydney Morning Herald.
The service, is reportedly set to start in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, Perth, Canberra and Gold Coast on Wednesday (16 December), is designed to help with the problem of missed deliveries.
Intended recipients will receive a text or an email before packages bought overseas arrive in Australia, giving them the option to redirect their package to a neighbour’s address or a work address if they do not think they will be at home to receive it. They can also authorise FedEx to leave the package at home even if no one is available to sign for it.
According to the Sydney Morning Herald report, FedEx ran a pilot test for the new service in Sydney with 400 users, and found that found that 74% of people contacted to receive a parcel swapped to a more convenient delivery time and place.