Hanhaa secures funding for ParceLive
Hanhaa has announced a strategic funding round which it says will allow it to focus on bringing its ParceLive parcel tracking technology to market. The funding was led by European packaging materials company BillerudKorsnäs AB.
“The ParceLive technology fits our long-term objective of bringing value-adding digital services into the packaging industry, which we refer to as the ‘Internet of packaging’,” said Anders Persson, Managing Director at BillerudKorsnäs Venture.
Designed for tracking high-value, fragile, and time- or temperature-sensitive packages, ParceLive is a postcard-sized device that is inserted into a parcel at the point of distribution. By monitoring several key factors, the device allows both sender and receiver to monitor the location and condition of their package in real-time.
Hanhaa also reported that, following a series of successful pilots, ParceLive is now “entering public engagements” with logistics companies including Sigma Retail Solutions and Avarto Bertelsmann.