Redirections Project (Postwatch)
Executive Summary
Background Objectives
Structure of report METHODOLOGY
FINDINGS Introduction
Awareness surveys: respondent profiles
Awareness of Redirections Service
Usage of Redirections Service
Cost of the Redirections Service
Satisfaction surveys: respondent profiles
Finding and applying for the Redirections Service
Satisfaction with Royal Mail’s promptness in setting up Redirections Service
Satisfaction that post had been successfully redirected to new address Satisfaction that post had been redirected for the correct length of time Satisfaction with amount of incorrect post received at new address
and renewal of Redirections Service
Value for money
Overall satisfaction with the Redirections Service
Appendix A: Questionnaires for Awareness Surveys
Appendix B: Questionnaires for Satisfaction Surveys
P:LibraryPostalPostwatch Redirection_report_feb_04.pdf