Mediascene 04 – Exploration of NZ media market


• How MediaScene Research was Undertaken 2
• Reporting of Results 2
Advertisers’ Total Media Spend
• Spend – Previous vs Current Financial Year, by Medium 9
• Spend – Previous vs Current Financial Year, by Sector 10
• Sector Spend by Medium – Current Financial Year 11
• Proportion of Media Spend, by Marketing Activity 12
• Media Budget Flexibility 13
• Adspend to Sales Ratio 14
Advertisers’ Business-to-business vs Business-to-consumer Media Spend
• B2B and B2C Media Spend, by Medium 15
• Proportion of B2B vs B2C Media Spend, by Medium 16
Advertisers’ Direct Marketing Media Spend
• Direct Marketing Media Spend, by Medium 17
• Percentage of Direct Marketing Media Spend, by Medium 18
• Direct Marketing Media Spend, by Sector 19
Advertisers’ Response to Changes in Budget / Price
• Allocation of a 10% Change in Media Budget 20
• Response to a Price Increase on Main Medium 21
• Media Budget Movements to Cover Cost Increase on Main Medium 22
Media Decision Drivers
• Advertisers’ Drivers of Media Selection 25
• Agencies’ Drivers of Media Recommendations 26
• Agencies’ Information Requirements for Media Recommendations 27
• Advertisers’ Media Selection – Decision Making 28
Perceptions of Media Effectiveness
• Ability to Deliver Audience Receptiveness/Preference 29
• Ability to Deliver On Desired/Expected Outcomes 30
• Ability to Be Seen/Heard by Many Potential Customers 31
• Ability to Be Seen/Heard by Many Current Customers 32
• Ability to Provide a High Profile/Market Presence 33
• Level of Performance Measurement Provided 34
• Allowing a High Degree of Flexibility 35
• Allowing a High Degree of Creativity 36
• Ease/Simplicity of Use 37
Perceptions of Media Similarity
• Advertisers’ Perceptions of Media Similarity 38
• Agencies’ Perceptions of Media Similarity 39

Media Usage
• Advertisers’ Media Usage – by Medium 43
• Industry Sector Media Usage – by Medium 44
Advertisers’ Media Usage by Marketing Activity
• Advertisers’ Television Usage 45
• Industry Sector Television Usage 46
• Advertisers’ Radio Usage 47
• Industry Sector Radio Usage 48
• Advertisers’ Newspaper Usage 49
• Industry Sector Newspaper Usage 50
• Advertisers’ Magazine Usage 51
• Industry Sector Magazine Usage 52
• Advertisers’ Cinema Usage 53
• Industry Sector Cinema Usage 54
• Advertisers’ Addressed Mail Usage 55
• Industry Sector Addressed Mail Usage 56
• Advertisers’ Unaddressed Mail Usage 57
• Industry Sector Unaddressed Mail Usage 58
• Advertisers’ Outdoor Usage 59
• Industry Sector Outdoor Usage 60
• Advertisers’ Internet Usage 61
• Industry Sector Internet Usage 62
• Advertisers’ Email Usage 63
• Industry Sector Email Usage 64
• Advertisers’ SMS/Texting Usage 65
• Industry Sector SMS/Texting Usage 66
• Advertisers’ Ambient Media Usage 67
• Industry Sector Ambient Media Usage 68
• Advertisers’ Point of Sale Usage 69
• Industry Sector Point of Sale Usage 70
• Advertisers’ Media Usage by Marketing Activity 71
Changes in Media Popularity
• Agencies’ Perception of Change in Media Popularity 72
Integrated Campaigns
• Advertisers’ Integrated Campaign Usage 75
• Agencies’ Perceptions of Clients’ Integrated Campaign Usage 76
• Advertisers’ Integrated Campaigns – Reasons for Using 77
• Advertisers’ Integrated Campaigns – Media Used 78
• Advertisers’ Use of Advertising Service Providers 79
• Advertisers’ Expectations of Integrated Solutions 80
Advertisers Ideal Media Combination by Marketing Activity
• Advertisers’ Ideal Media Combinations – Brand Advertising 81
• Advertisers’ Ideal Media Combinations – Sales Promotion 82
• Advertisers’ Ideal Media Combinations – New Product Launches 83
• Advertisers’ Ideal Media Combinations – Customer Acquisition 84
• Advertisers’ Ideal Media Combinations – Customer Retention/Loyalty 85
• Advertisers’ Ideal Media Combinations – Cross Selling/Up Selling 86

Perceptions of Media Packages
• Advertisers’ Perceptions of Media Packages 87
• Agencies’ Perceptions of Media Packages 88
• Agencies’ Perceptions of Integrated Packages 89
Experience in Media Usage
Advertisers’ Experience in Media Usage 93
Agencies’ Experience in Media Usage 94
Direct Marketing Expertise
Advertisers’ Prevalence of Direct Marketing Expertise/Advocacy 95
Agency Core Services Offered
Agencies’ Core Services 96
Advertisers’ Databases
Advertisers’ Databases – Current Customers 97
Advertisers’ Databases – Prospective Customers 98
Advertisers’ Current and Prospect Databases – by Sector 99
Agencies’ Clients with Databases 100
Agencies – Quality of Client Databases 101
Agency Payment Structure
Agencies’ Common Payment Structure 102
Perceptions of Education Standards
Advertisers’ Perceptions of Education Standards 103
Agencies’ Perceptions of Education Standards 104
Media Outlook for Next 3 to 5 Years
Advertisers’ Media Outlook Next 3 – 5 Years – Their Organisation 105
Advertisers’ Media Outlook Next 3 – 5 Years – The Marketing Industry 106
Agencies’ Media Changes – Next 3 – 5 Years 107
Agencies’ Media Outlook Next 3 – 5 Years – Company and Client 108
Agencies’ Media Outlook Next 3 – 5 Years – Marketing and Advertising Industry 109
Sample Sizes 113

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