Jersey Post: our postal network can reach and connect every Island home daily

From today, Jersey Post will be delivering free postcards to all residential addresses to launch its Island-wide, Connecting Jersey campaign.
From Tuesday 14 April, every Island household will receive two free postcards:
• Thank you
• Thinking of you
Households can send the cards free of charge to any address in Jersey throughout April.
1. On the first postcard, write a message of thanks and gratitude to a worker they know within any frontline business; health and care workers, cleaning providers, essential teachers, media providers, food deliverers, waste managers and community volunteers, as just a few examples of the incredible individuals currently giving a valuable service and potentially exposing themselves to COVID-19.
2. On the second postcard, write a thinking of you message to anyone they know who would appreciate hearing from them at this time; maybe a relative, neighbour or friend who they’d like to know they care about them.
3. Address each postcard with the recipient’s name and address at the Jersey business or household they wish to reach.
4. Post in any post box around the Island whilst out on the allocated 2 hours’ daily exercise – there is no need to apply a local stamp.
Jersey Post will then collect, sort, and deliver the messages of appreciation and positivity to Islanders. Anyone receiving messages is being encouraged to take a photo and upload them to Facebook and Instagram using the hashtag #connectingjersey to spread the messages of thanks further.
David McGrath, Head of Marketing at Jersey Post said: “We’ve seen how hugely uplifted our staff have been when customers have left messages of thanks for our frontline workers who are working so hard to keep the Island moving at this exceptional time, but we know there are so many more doing fantastic, essential work under challenging circumstances. We wanted to help extend this to all frontline workers and we recognise that our postal network can reach and connect every Island home daily. We really hope Islanders enjoy this initiative and send as many thoughtful messages as possible; it really will mean so much to the individuals receiving the cards.”
Business2home initiative
The postcards will be delivered along with Jersey Post’s Business2Home brochure. This directory, announced earlier this month, provides households with the services and contact details of over 100 businesses that have successfully adapted their business models and are now offering household delivery of their services locally. In the current climate of enforced social distancing, home-schooling and remote-working, Jersey Post hopes that this will help Islanders to access products and services they need, whilst also reinforcing the Government’s request for as many people as possible to stay safe at home.