Polish Post: The postal market assessment for the year 2006
The President of UKE published a short version of an assessment study on the postal market functioning in 2006 submitted to the Minister of Transport.
The assessment study on the postal market functioning is based on information provided in the reports of the Poczta Polska activities – the operator which provides universal postal services, and also on the reports of operators which do not provide universal postal services.
In addition, the information sources include the results of inspections of postal activities carried out under the act, an authorization or a registration as well as the results of inspections aiming at the detection of postal activities carried out without a required authorization or registration.
The postal market, in its evolution, is approaching the crucial moment of its full opening to competition. Therefore it requires regulatory activities that will ensure its sustainable and harmonious development.
This assessment study is an element of regulatory activities undertaken in order to monitor the developments in the postal market.
To sum up, the development of the Polish postal market should be assessed positively. The developments observed in the market are not as significant as they used to be in the initial stage of its functioning, however they are still noticeable. Undoubtedly, the regulator should aim at maintaining the pace of growth matching the regulatory action with this objective. In particular, it is important to amend quickly the current legal framework.
Another important issue includes changes in the functioning of the biggest market player, i.e. Poczta Polska. The future shape of the market for postal services to a great extent depends on the activities to be followed by this undertaking.